Saturday, October 30, 2010


Cekgo... I miss you so much. Here are a couple of poems that I think would suit this current situation. These are just for you.

Teachers Are the Sculptors of Young Lives

Teachers are the sculptors of young lives.
How fortunate our child was shaped by you!
A year in your class taught him how to study,
No longer lost in thoughts that he finds new,
Knowing now the paths each thought derives.
Your love and strong solicitude embody
Other virtues our child has tried on, too.
Under your good guidance hope survives.

Thank You Teacher

Thank you for being simply the best!
How you do it, we'll never know:
A passionate teacher, yet one of the guys;
Never the boss, yet controlling the flow;
Kind, free and caring; groovy and wise.
Your excellence spoils us for all of the rest.
On leaving your care, we must look back to grow.
Upon these bright memories, we lay our good-byes

Thanks for being there .. dear Teacher !!

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